Automation Changes Everything

In the world of mapping, one thing is virtually certain – Change

And when changes are required, you can be faced with 100’s of changes to Groups of drawings.

Our entire product line was designed from the ground up to deliver Full-On Automation and each tool is user configurable to allow virtually limitless editing possibilities. There is no faster, more productive or more cost effective editing method than One Pick automation. Our Automation tools are included in our Automated Mapping Toolkit – MapTools Pro and our Automated 3D Corridor Mapping Toolkit – CoriMap.

We can change the way you work everyday

Using Local Automation

The Task at Hand (hyperlinked to Popup Box {400×200} display auto_task1.php) – Our Automated Text Search and Replace tool offers over 1 million possible ways to find and modify text. Using MapTools automation tools, you can accomplish the whole job with just One Pick!


See the process with Slides


Making the TEXTDEMO Command
Running the TEXTDEMO Process

We can change the way you work even when you’re not at work

Using Global Automation (Hyperlinked to Popup Box displaying global_automation.php)

Automated Linework Reconstruction

The Task at Hand (hyperlinked to Popup Box {620×460} display auto_task2.php) – This automation example uses 8 of the 18 automated processors included with MapTools Pro. We can process the current drawing OR we can apply the same process to a group of drawings using the Batch capability of MapTools Commander. 35 Automated operations with One Pick!

See the process with Slides


Making a Linework Reconstruction Command
Running the process in Batch Mode

Do you need an automated way to enforce your drawing standards

Automated Feature Conversion

The Task at Hand (hyperlinked to Popup Box {500×500} display auto_task3.php) – This automation example uses 8 of the 18 automated processors included with MapTools Pro. We can process the current drawing OR

The Original Drawing

Pick Here to Zoom In

Note: In the original drawing (from a DGN file) there are only 4 layers (all numbers).


The Finished Drawing

Pick Here to Zoom In


Feature Conversion with MapTools Commander
40 Operations with 1 pick