CoriMap Solution – Automated Digital Walkout

The Automated Digital Walkout

The term Automated Digital Walkout describes a process of creating a map product automatically using the output of a GPS data collection system. Our CoriMap Quick Start Kit enables any organization with access to Trimble GPS equipment and our CoriMap product to produce completed maps the first day.

The Automated Digital Walkout process was developed over a period of 12 years and has been extensively field tested on Long Haul and Last Mile Fiber projects as well as Oil and Gas Pipeline projects for AT&T, Level 3, MFN, RCN, Conoco Pipeline, David Evans and Associates and Parsons Brinkerhoff.

Field operators trace linear features and record point locations using Trimble™ GPS Pathfinder® Pro XRS equipment. Field operators are guided by a strict collection standard and with post-processing correction, sub-meter accuracy can be ensure. In addition to location, other information can be collected such as names, ID numbers, depth measurements or condition estimates. This tabular data will remain linked to the point all the way to the final map product in a form that can easily be used by most GIS systems.

Draw Linework in the Field

Traditionally GPS field data is collected as Points Only , leaving it up to the office CAD operators to connect the dots. The Automated Digital Walkout takes full advantage of the GPS systems capabilities and collects all linear elements as Line features. This dramatically improves efficiency.
GPS field files are processed using Trimble™ GPS Pathfinder® Office software and then exported to AutoCAD in a format where each feature is represented using points, embedded linework and invisible attributes to store tabular data.

CoriMap creates a Basemap instantly

Once the field data is exported to AutoCAD, it can be processed by CoriMap to create the desired map products. The first step is to use GPS Transform to replace the blocks created by Pathfinder Office with linework, blocks and layers to meet project standards. GPS blocks are replaced with user defined project standard blocks and all tabular data collected in the field is automatically passed to the new blocks.

Automation pays big dividends

The drafting process includes stationing of the baseline, computation of stations and offsets for feature blocks and the automated arrangement of attributes. The tasks are completed automatically using CoriMap functions.
After the addition of labels, utility and right-of-way information, a completed map product is available for delivery or for use by designers.