MapTools Basic – Text Tools

Text Tools

Dramatically boost productivity with powerful text manipulation


ALIKE – totally change a text label (layer, color, style, width, obliquing, rotation etc.) to match any other text label in your drawing with only 2 picks {make this label like that one} . Each time it is ran, you are given the option to ignore rotation.

ATXT – Our semi-automated Alignment tool works as fast as you can think!

Watch it Work

ATAUTO – Our totally automated text alignment tool
works unattended!

Watch it Work


Split Text and Split Text All = Divide multi-word labels into two or more individual text labels, then place and rotate them individually in a single automated operation. Quickly Split long street names and align them.

ATXT can also accomplish this task.


Combine Text and Combine Words

Automate the process of assembling individual Text entities into words or sentences. CT builds a word (no spaces between entities), CW builds sentences (spaces between words). Both automatically delete the individual entities.
